
Showing posts from March, 2024

How to eat a 100 g of butter

Image Explanation on eating cold butter. That is why any oil is not good for digestion. Bella specialised for women but the research was on athletes. Bella learned from a woman doctor, Dr. Bright, who read the journals and prescribe to patients. My mistake was in not eating 100 g of butter per day. Only around 50 g but this is not enough to increase my body mass which is too low, with BMI of 16, at 43 kg. Maybe I need 250 g of butter (one box) per day as recommended by Dr. Bright for serious repair

100 g of Cold butter per day heals

Image The secret of healing obesity, arthritis and hair loss etc, is 100 g of cold butter per day. Cold butter or fat is easier to digest so reduces diarrhea. She explains later in the video. Meat is for strength, not repair or cure illness or body. I tried last night and worked immediately. Fat reduces cortisol, the stress hormone, and allows me to sleep.

Mentega lah rahsia kurus dan sehat, bukan daging atau puasa

Image Mentega lah rahsia kurus dan sehat, bukan daging atau puasa. Makan mentega sewaktu sejuk dan keras. Sekurang kurangnya 1 stick(100g), iaitu separuh buku mentega, sehari. Kalau mentega cair, susah di hadam.

Coffee Roast Chart


Malaysian Satay Recipe

Image Sunday, March 1, 2015 Malaysian Satay Recipe   Mention the word "satay" and I am instantly reminded of my childhood years and years ago, how the Malay Satay Man would peddle his mobile satay stall on his bicycle in my neighbourhood, tooting his horn. Sometimes, I could even smell the aroma from my house, even though he could be grilling his satay down the road. I would get all excited at the prospect of having satay for dinner, and run to the window to see if I could detect any "smoke" signals in the sky. He made one of the best satays in town, and the fact that he peddled his stall around the neighbourhood meant that we could walk up to him with empty plates and bowls waiting to be filled with freshly made satay. Those were the simple things in life back then, though coming from a foodie family, food was and is a big deal, as to most Malaysians of course. Malaysian Satay is such a luxury item

Reasons Why Vegetable Oils Are Proven Dangerous Mungkin inilah sebab nya penyakit model bertambah dengan penggunaan minyak sayur. Satu teori ialah Omega 6 tapi tanpa kefahaman. Ada teori pula PUFA lah penyebab sebab senang jadi Trans fat kalau panas. Ada teori lagi ialah PUFA yang di proses sebab PUFA, seperti EPA dan DHA, cepat basi sebab kuat reaktif nya. Sebab itu lah extra Virgin oil lagi bagus.

Fish Oil Dosage Alamak, fish oil ku cuma 120 mg DHA. Jadi perlu 10 biji sehari atau lebih. Waktu aku kecil, selalu makan Scot Emulsion, Cod liver oil. Yang adik adik kurang sudah atau langsung tiada. Itulah abang lebih pandai di sekolah.

There is strong evidence that free fatty acids impair insulin sensitivity. There is strong evidence that free fatty acids impair insulin sensitivity. I was surprised that my blood glucose goes up from 5.8 to 6.1 in a few hours after eating 3 eggs. It may be caused by the phenomenon discovered by this research. This is against the observation that rice and bread reduce their glycemic index if eaten with fat at the same time.

Cleaning Manual Espresso Machine


Masak Steak

  Rupanya, paling sedap Rin eye. Baru strip loin dan tenderloin.

Maspion Fancy Grill

 Dia bilang, lebih sedap dari jenis Teflon, tapi kurang dari arang. Guna sangkar untuk memanggang. Tidak rosak kulit ikan yang di bakar.